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Three wind band pieces - 2015

wind band +  traditional voices choir
Commissioned by the Municipal Band of Santiago de Compostela. Premiere at October 25th, 2015 and conducted by Miguel Romero Llopis. This work is based on four Galician traditional tunes that shape the three separate movements, all written so that a traditional choir with two voices plays the folk melodies and in the last movement the work culminates with a final ostinato, where the choir shows two very representative melodies.
Thre Wind Band Pieces - Mario Diz

Recorded by Radio Galega; Sound Tec. Pablo Barreiro

Timeless Stories Like You´ve Never Heard Them: - 2015

String Orqchestra & músic-box
Written with a didactic purpose. It is scored for string orchestra and solo instrument, in this case a diatonic music-box, representing the different characters unfolding within the narrative throughout the whole work.


Nexos - 2014

2, 2, 2, 2 - 2, 2, 3, 1 -  timb. 3 perc. - harp. - strings - solo oboe
This single movement work with solo oboe is structured around various interventions of the soloist, creating a union between different parts and concluding with a final cadenza that unites all these interventions as a fitting end.

Muiñeira do Areal - 2012

strings & traditional percussion (tamboril or drum)
Using a well-known traditional dance of Galicia, this work develops it in a contemporary style.

Six Galician Dances - 2010

1, 1, 1 - 1,1 -  2 perc. - strings
Based upon six different dances collected in songbooks of Galicia. Scored for chamber orchestra; strings and winds feature a didactic composition for an intermediate-advanced level student orchestra.
Intro / lullaby - Mario Diz
lullaby 2 - Mario Diz
Pontevedra processional march / "Alalá" - Mario Diz
"Ai Rosiña" - Mario Diz
"Os teus ollos" - X. Castro ( Chané ) / Mario Diz

Recorded by Radio Galega; Sound Tec. Miguel Novás

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